wedding wears of linen fabric

Just throwing this out there because I’m not really sure what’s considered appropriate these days. My mom bought her dress months ago for my June wedding; it’s silver with sequins and beautiful. My future MIL saw it and knew what it looked like and even asked me what color she should wear because she didn’t have a preference. All I told her was no navy (my bridesmaids’ color) and no white (she laughed). I even suggested another shade of blue or maybe purple would look good on her. So she buys a dress that she calls “Dove” but is really close to the silver one my mom bought. Different design, but still silver with sequins really similar to my mom’s. My mom is upset; she says the bride’s mother is supposed to choose her dress first and the groom’s mother is supposed to dress differently. They’re going to look a lot alike and my mom found her dress first and was so excited for it; now she’s not. wedding wears of linen fabric

Anyone else’s mom/future MIL do the same or buy a dress that was just not appropriate? We thought it would be really obvious NOT to get the same color as my mom, but she just didn’t get it. Of course my future MIL is in love with her dress too. I just didn’t think the moms were supposed to match, but maybe that’s old school? Honestly....I have bigger things to worry about but my poor mom feels overshadowed. ?